Per tutti noi che abitiamo in città o che comunque abbiamo bisogno di un abbigliamento più da tutti i giorni le passerelle ci danno lo spunto per reinventare con fantasia vecchi capi e rivalutarne altri. Il guardaroba invernale femminile si riempie così di capi classici come cappotti, cappe, mantelle, zimarre, poncho e cardigan di lana. Gli stilisti esaltano la mantella come alternativa al cappotto tanto da farla diventare il must have della stagione. Dal fascino borghese, dona un’aria chic ma ricorda tantissimo la tradizione, la mantella è un capo importante che bisogna saper portare e abbinare. Per chi non sa proprio vedersi avvolta in una mantella, di panno o maglia che sia, l’alternativa ci viene da Anna Molinari che veste le modelle di Blugirl da “signorine per bene” con cardigan di lana a maglia grossa e mini cappe color cammello.

Perché non prendere spunto per creare un proprio look personale ed inedito? Prendiamo il nostro cappotto, ci mettiamo sopra lo “scialle della nonna” fatto ai ferri, magari con delle belle frange e lo avvolgiamo come una grande sciarpa lasciandolo cadere morbido sulle spalle. Perché non sostituiamo il banale e amorfo piumino con un bel cardigan in lana? Il tocco finale è una cintura stretta in vita che dona grazia e femminilità e lunghi guanti in pelle. Ultimo suggerimento: abbondare con i dettagli e gli accessori, cappelli, sciarpe, paraorecchie, guanti in varie forme e materiali, spaziando naturalmente con i colori.
tratto da "Appunti di moda"
Now it's very cold and the winter, "the calendar" is next. I love the stereotype that associates typical winter clothing from mountain cabin, folk cardigans, sweatersknitted big, big scarves and hats with pom poms. But not all live in Cortina and spend the afternoons in front of the fireplace drinking hot chocolate, wearing a sweater with the reindeer.
For all of us who live in town or that we need a more fashion runways every day give us an opportunity to reinvent old leaders with imagination and reassess other. Thewomen's winter wardrobe is full of classic items such as coats, capes, cloaks, cloak,poncho and wool cardigan. The designers enhance the cape as an alternative to the coat so that it becomes the must-haves of the season. Bourgeois charm, gives an air of chic but remember a lot of tradition, the mantle is important that a leader must know how to lead and match. For those who can not see its wrapped in a cloak ofcloth or mesh that is, the alternative is we who dresses by Anna Molinari Blugirl bythe models of "good for young ladies" with coarse wool cardigans and mini camel colored hoods .Why not take inspiration to create your own personal look and unusual? We take ourcoat, we put ourselves above the "grandmother's shawl," made in irons, perhaps withsome beautiful fringe and wrap a large scarf as dropping it on the soft shoulders. Why not replace the banal and amorphous jacket with a nice wool cardigan? The final touch is a belt tied at the waist, which gives grace and femininity and long leather gloves. Final hint: abound with details and accessories, hats, scarves, earmuffs, gloves in various forms and materials, with colors ranging course.
For all of us who live in town or that we need a more fashion runways every day give us an opportunity to reinvent old leaders with imagination and reassess other. Thewomen's winter wardrobe is full of classic items such as coats, capes, cloaks, cloak,poncho and wool cardigan. The designers enhance the cape as an alternative to the coat so that it becomes the must-haves of the season. Bourgeois charm, gives an air of chic but remember a lot of tradition, the mantle is important that a leader must know how to lead and match. For those who can not see its wrapped in a cloak ofcloth or mesh that is, the alternative is we who dresses by Anna Molinari Blugirl bythe models of "good for young ladies" with coarse wool cardigans and mini camel colored hoods .Why not take inspiration to create your own personal look and unusual? We take ourcoat, we put ourselves above the "grandmother's shawl," made in irons, perhaps withsome beautiful fringe and wrap a large scarf as dropping it on the soft shoulders. Why not replace the banal and amorphous jacket with a nice wool cardigan? The final touch is a belt tied at the waist, which gives grace and femininity and long leather gloves. Final hint: abound with details and accessories, hats, scarves, earmuffs, gloves in various forms and materials, with colors ranging course.
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